
We're so glad you've found us! Take a look around and get to know a bit about Dexter Baptist Church. We're here if you have any questions.  Drop our pastor a line. 

randy burrows@ymail.com

Worship with us

You're invited to to join us for a time of worship and fellowship Sunday mornings at 9:45AM for Sunday School and 11AM for worship service.

Gospel roots

Sharing the Gospel and our lives with the community of Dexter and beyond for over 111 years.

Just outside of Eugene, in the foothills of the Cascades along  the middle fork of the Willamette River sits Dexter Baptist Church. Founded in 1909, it was originally called Mr. Zion Baptist Church.   

Gospel Hope

It's our mission and joy to share not only the Gospel but our lives with our community. We long to bring Gospel Hope to Dexter and beyond.